Photo: Sarah Brown
Prices and forms (raw, tumbled, points, clusters, etc.) are subject to availability.
The following properties are from folklore and should be used in addition to any medical help you might need. Results are not guaranteed.
How to choose a particular stone: Use your first impression and your intuition. Allow yourself to choose an imperfect stone if you are drawn to it.
Agate: acceptance, grounding, emotional and physical balance, raises consciousness, strengthens effects of other stones
Agate, Blue Lace: peace, happiness, combats laziness, eases stress
Agate, Moss: self-confidence, security, acceptance, increases psychic abilities, eases depression
Amazonite: soothing, aligns etheric and mental bodies, for success in gambling
Amethyst: sobriety, assists spiritual, psychic opening in a grounded way, creativity, courage, intuition, self-esteem, calming, wisdom, good dreams
Apache Tears: protection, grounding and centering, luck, divination, peace
Aquamarine: mental clarity, spiritual inspiration, calming, enhances self-expression, purification, psychic abilities
Aventurine: joy and peace, mental clarity, calming, positive attitude, healing, attracts money and luck
Azurite: activates expansion of consciousness, amplifies healing abilities
Bloodstone: vitality, courage, generates higher states of consciousness, success in legal matters, wisdom, protection, prevents deception
Calcite: aids in astral projection, balances yin\yang qualities
Calcite, Green: draws money and prosperity to the home
Calcite, Orange: protection, gives energy to the body when held
Carnelian: protection, courage, strengthening, encourages opening and curiosity, creativity, prosperity, sexuality, protects from envy, evil, deception and misfortune
Chrysocolla: stimulates physical activity, balance fears and guilt, calming emotions, removes blocks to creativity
Citrine: unblocks energy, strengthens will, balance, self-confidence, helps let go addictions, discourages nightmares and gives sweet dreams, joy
Coral: protection, balances physical energy, gives power
Desert Rose: promotes intuitive perception, mental ability, and clarity; calms mental worries and distractions
Diamond: removes blockages and negativity, mental balancer, self-esteem, eases jealousy, mild aphrodisiac; Herkimer diamonds, a kind of quartz crystal, can be substituted. (not available)
Emerald: love, business, memory, meditation, relaxant, strengthens clairvoyant and psychic abilities
Fluorite: increases perception, clears air of psychic clutter
Garnet: energy and vitality, imagination, self-esteem, willpower, calms anger, assures love and faithfulness
Gold Stone: increase physical or magical energy, prosperity
Hematite: grounding, protection, self-esteem, aids in astral projection
Herkimer Diamond: releases physical stress and tension, cleanses subtle bodies, discharges toxicity, aids in past life memory, clairvoyance, dream work, stores information
Howlite: calming, relieves stress and insomnia, assists in past life memories and astral projection
Jade: divine love, encourages altruistic nature and expression of feelings, strengthens earth connections, protects from accidents; Chinese - clarity, modesty, courage, justice, wisdom
Jasper, Dalmation: protection, shielding, open expression, joy and laughter
Jasper, Leopard Skin: balances light and dark, shamanic shape shifting, assists in clarity, reduces insecurities
Jasper, Red: protection, strength, beauty, grace, health and healing, sends negativity back to sender
Jet: draws out negative energy, fights depression, gain victory, associated with Saturn, comfort pain from loss of loved one
Kyanite, Blue: calming, aligns chakras, encourages communication and psychic energies
Labradorite: stimulates physical activity, lifts contentiousness and establishes connection with universal energies
Lapis Lazuli: prosperity, psychic abilities, opens third eye, increases expression, cleansing, aligns etheric, mental and spiritual bodies, thought amplifier, truth, harmony, tranquility, eases sleep, anxiety, and melancholy
Lepidolite: creates harmony with whole, calms the spirit and emotions
Lodestone: draws love, money, and fidelity, can draw away negativity and illness (clean often when used this way)
Magnetic sand: use to “feed” your lodestone (natural, gold colored)
Malachite: protection, self-expression, visions on all levels, balances right and left brain, detoxes, success in business and relationships
Moonstone: emotional balance, receptivity, sensitivity, intuition, clairvoyance, feminine qualities, good for macho people, physically for all “female” problems, protects travelers and those of a sensitive nature
Obsidian: protection, wards off negativity, reduces tension, helps in letting go of an old love, travel, prophesy
Obsidian, Blue: facilitates divination and astral travel, activates the throat chakra, and supports communication
Obsidian, Snowflake: the magician’s stone
Onyx: protection, defensive magic, breaking hexes, grounding, concentration, abstract thought, clairvoyance
Opal/Opalite: protection, enhances cosmic consciousness, intuition, harmony, emotional balance, joy, creativity
Peacock Ore: brings money and prosperity from all directions
Peridot: enhances clarity and patience, calming, balancing, positive outlook, clairvoyance, aligns subtle bodies
Pyrite: money, luck, divination
Quartz, Clear: powerful transmitter, promotes clarity, attunes to higher self, concentrates consciousness
Quartz, Aqua Aura: (clear quartz bonded with gold), soul healing, set self free from limitations, encourages highest spiritual potential
Quartz, Rainbow Aura: (clear quartz bonded with gold and titanium) helps release negative emotions like old grief or resentment, helps bring insights into relationships
Quartz, Rose: love, peace, happiness, fidelity, opens heart chakra
Quartz, Rutilated: breaks old patterns, childhood blockages, eases depression
Quartz, Smoky: creativity, joy, balances emotional energy, grounding
Rhodochrosite: cleanses subconscious, strengthens self-identity, self-love, opening to universal love, comfort, gives confidence, relieves stress, and heals
Ruby: heart, spiritual balance, confidence, flexibility, energy, vitality, devotion, leadership
Selenite: brings peace and tranquility, excellent for meditation, protection, and purification
Shiva Lingam: raises and controls kundalini energy, good for tantric magic, overcoming sexual abuse or trauma
Sodalite: healing, harmony, balance, courage, communication, alleviates subconscious fear and guilt
Sunstone (Feldspar): prosperity, healing, creativity
Tiger’s eye: protection, separates false desires from real needs, detoxes
Topaz: understanding, balance, creativity, relaxing, helps in letting go of the past
Tourmaline, Black: activates base chakra, protects against negativity
Tourmaline, Green: heart chakra, balancer (OS)
Tourmaline, Pink: heart balancer, increases depth of insight and perception, creativity, fertility, balances passivity and aggression, substitute watermelon if needed
Tourmaline in Quartz: crown chakra, attunes to higher self, increases spiritual understanding, promotes peace, transforms negative energy into positive energy
Tourmaline, Watermelon: combines and stimulates the qualities of other tourmalines and strengthens their effect, balance (OS)
Turquoise: protects from harm, increases psychic and communication skills, strengthens whole body, aligns subtle bodies
Unakite: draws off negativity from heart chakra, eases depression, helps uncover deception
Pack it in salt for one hour to one week.
Leave it overnight in water with sea salt added.
Leave it an hour or overnight, under the full moonlight.
Cover with dried pennyroyal herb for a night.
Wash it under running water.
Bury it in the earth for an hour to a week.
Blow a cleansing breath over it.
Use your imagination for ways that are significant to you.
Crown - Diamond, Amethyst
Brow (Third Eye) - Lapis Lazuli, Quartz
Throat - Turquoise
Heart - Emerald, Tourmaline, Jade
Solar Plexus - Amber, Citrine, Topaz
Spleen - Coral, Carnelian, Tiger’s Eye
Root - Ruby, Garnet, Hematite
January - Garnet
February - Amethyst
March - Aquamarine
April - Diamond, Quartz
May - Emerald
June - Moonstone, Pearl
July - Ruby
August - Peridot
September - Sapphire
October - Pink Tourmaline
November - Citrine, Yellow Topaz
December - Tanzanite, Blue Topaz, Lapis Lazuli